Our Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

Federici bed & breakfast in Romerespectsyour right to privacy and takesyour privacy seriously. Federici B&Biscommitted to protecting and securingany personal information thatourguestsgivesus. This Privacy Policy explainshowwecollect, use and share personal information aboutyou; howyou can manage the information yougiveus and exerciseyour privacy rights; and howweprotectyour information. This Privacy Policy relates to our use of any personal information wecollect from you via our online services and ourcontactform


The Data Controlleris FEDERICI GUEST HOUSE di Federici Fabio Massimo, Viale Giulio Cesare, 151, 00192 ROMA


Providing personal data on our on-line information and avaibilityrequestisnecessary to guaranteeallofferedservices on our website and guaranteeitsfunctionality to update yourreservation and services status.

According to art. 6 c 1 lett. b) of GDPR for providingyou information on the requestedservices (within the execution of a contract)  no consentisrequired


Allfunctional data to provideyouservicesrequested onfedericibb.it will be kept for the necessary time to provideyoutheseservices. If the domainshould be deleted / notrenewedyour personal data will be kept and automaticallydeletedafter 6 months.



What personal information do wecollect and why?


The personal information thatwemaycollectaboutyoubroadlyfallsinto the followingcategories:


Information thatyouprovidedirectly to us

Wemayaskyoutoprovide personal information directly to us. For example, wemayaskyou to provideyourcontactdetailssuchas full name, telephonenumber, email address, and date of birthasnecessary, in order to:

enableyour booking;

provide the services and information yourequestsuchasdetailsaboutyour booking;

have an emergencycontactnumber for you;

updateyour information related to the requiredservices

subscribeyou to our marketing communications;

sendusrequests and enquiries


Youwillalsoneed to provideyour billing information (suchascredit cardnumber, cardholdername and expiration date) to make a payment.


Youmayalso be required to provide information aboutanyother travellers on your booking and your marketing preferences,


Your personal information mayalso be linkedto Cookies to enable the properoperation of our Online Services, storeyourtravelsearches on our Online Services, and collect information on howyouusedour Online Services. For more information, pleaseseeour  cookie policy


Automaticallycollected data

Whenyouvisituson our Online Services, wemaycollectcertain information automatically from yourdevice. In some countries, includingcountries in the EuropeanEconomic Area, this information may be considered personal information under applicable data protectionlaws.


Specifically, the information wecollectautomaticallymay include information likeyour IP address, devicetype, uniquedeviceidentificationnumbers, browser-type (suchasFirefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer), your Internet Service Provider (ISP), youroperatingsystem and carrier. For website users, details of anyreferring website or exit pagesaswellasbroadgeographic location (e.g., country or city-level location) are alsocollected.


Wemayalsocollectothertechnical information suchashowyourdevicehasinteracted with our Online Services, including the pagesaccessed and linksclicked, i.e., tripsviewedand the time and date of these.

Collectingthis information enablesus to betterunderstand the visitorswho come to our Online Services, wherethey come from, and whatcontenton our Online Services is of interest to them. We use this information for ourinternalanalyticspurposes and to improve the quality and relevance of our Online Services for ourvisitors, for example, to customizeyouruserexperience, tailoryoursearches and show youadvertisementsthatmay be of interest. Wealso use thisautomatic information to prevent and detectfraud.


Legal Bases for data processing

Ourlegalbases for processing personal information (EEA visitorsonly)Ifyou are a visitor from the EuropeanEconomic Area,ourlegalbasis for collecting and using the personal information described in this Privacy Policy willdepend on the personal information concerned and the specificcontext in whichwecollectit


Wewillnormallycollect personal information from youonly (i) whereweneedthe personal information to perform a contract with you, (ii) where the processing is in ourlegitimateinterests and notoverridden by yourrights, or (iii) wherewehaveyourconsent to do so. In some cases, wewillhave a legalobligationtocollect personal information from yousuchaswhereitisnecessary to use yourtransactionhistory to complete ourfinancial and taxobligations under the law.

Ifweaskyoutoprovide personal information to comply with a legalrequirement or to perform a contract with you, wewillmakethisclearat the relevant time and adviseyouwhether the provision of your personal information ismandatory or not (aswellas of the possibleconsequencesifyou do notprovideyour personal information).



Who do we share your personal information with?

Wewillnot share or publish or sell your personal data with unauthorizedthird parties and all data processors in ourorganisationisauthorized and able to processyour data in respect of the GDPR UE 2016/679.


Your personal data will be shared for legalpurposes with the followingsubjects:


Any competent law enforcement body, regulatory, government agency, court or otherthird party wherewebelievedisclosureisnecessary (i) as a matter of applicable law or regulation, (ii) to exercise, establish or defendourlegalrights, or (iii) to protectyourinterests or those of anyotherperson;

Whenwebelieveitis appropriate to investigate, prevent, or take actionregardingillegal or suspectedillegalactivities; to protect and defend the rights, property, or safety of our company or this website, ourcustomers, or others; and in connection with ourTerms of Service and otheragreements;

In connection with a corporate transaction, suchas a divestiture, merger, consolidation, or asset sale, or in the unlikelyevent of bankruptcy. In the case of anyacquisition, wewillinform the buyer it must use your personal information only for the purposesdisclosed in this Privacy Policy; or

Any otherperson with yourconsent to the disclosure.


Your rights

Atany time youhave the right, asdescribedat the articles from 15 to 22 GDPR UE 2016/679, to enquiry the Data Controller to:

  • toaccess, correct, update or requestdeletion of your personal information, you can do so atany time by contactingusat the information providedat the bottom of this Privacy Policy
  • personal data update or assimilation
  • thedeletion of data treatment withoutlegal base or identifiedpurpose, explaininghowweprocessit and why, how long westoreit for and yourrightsassociated with it
  • restrict or object processing of your personal information
  • requestportability of your personal information.

Ifyouwish to access, correct, update or requestdeletion of your personal information, you can do so atany time by contactingusthrough the information providedbelow, addressingyourcommunication to the Privacy referent: Fabio Federici

Phone :+39 0639737110  

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