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Robert Doisneau - Paris en liberté

EVENT: ROBERT DOISNEAU - Paris en libertéMostra Doisneau - Roma Palazzo delle Esposizioni

Robert Doisneau and Paris: an inseparable pair of one of the greatest French photographers and the city he loved and immortalized with his goal.


Rome - Palazzo delle Esposizioni


September 29, 2012 / February 3, 2013

More than 200 original photographs, taken by Doisneau in the Ville Lumière between 1934 and 1991
and grouped thematically retracing those most dear to him, are exhibited in a large retrospective exhibition held at Palazzo Exhibition from 29 September 2012 to 3 February 2013.

The exhibition leads the visitor in an exciting walk through the gardens of Paris, along the Seine, on the streets of the center and the periphery, and then in the bistro, in the ateliers and art galleries of the French capital.


Mostra Doisneau - Roma Palazzo delle Esposizioni


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